It would be great to connect the email domain (eg via DNS validation) to use a custom email domain to send participant emails or self notification emails.
2022-02-16 -
Newest / Oldest
Eva Material Bitcoin
Super necessary. We are a financial business, and for us, it's essential.
Vital vital feature. With cybercrime at the top of everyone's list, seeing emails from an email address that does not match the company information in the email is a BIG RED FLAG - so definitely a must.
Vital vital feature. With cybercrime at the top of everyone's list, seeing emails from an email address that does not match the company information in the email is a BIG RED FLAG - so definitely a must.
I would like to see this feature available. It is integral when working with vulnerable communities and persons for communication to not 'appear' as though it is from a 'third party' but directly from the organisation engaged with supporting these communities and persons.
Hello there, the current status for this is "planned". This means that we have decided to work on this feature in the future but we cannot give customers any ETA for planned features.
If we could enable this it would help agencies like us to have the server of the client and really add value. Customers have asked me this and so far no one wanted to be enabled, because of the different server names what impression would that give to their customers.
The shown as the sender in the auto-responder email header (see pic) is a turn off for many reasons.
If you actually reply to this email it does not send to the address but actually replies to the account holder email address.
So why not just hide the in the email header and no-one would even be aware of it, and we wouldn't need to connect an email domain if not required. Thanks
Hello Charles, this feature is in "planned" and not yet in progress. We cannot give you an ETA for it yet, but we can tell you that we will have this feature for sure.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Eva Material Bitcoin
Super necessary. We are a financial business, and for us, it's essential.
Vital vital feature. With cybercrime at the top of everyone's list, seeing emails from an email address that does not match the company information in the email is a BIG RED FLAG - so definitely a must.
Dale September
Vital vital feature. With cybercrime at the top of everyone's list, seeing emails from an email address that does not match the company information in the email is a BIG RED FLAG - so definitely a must.
Sheila Maria Tagallie
I would like to see this feature available. It is integral when working with vulnerable communities and persons for communication to not 'appear' as though it is from a 'third party' but directly from the organisation engaged with supporting these communities and persons.
Jimmy Chhor
I am also interested in seeing this feature implemented
Markus Stutz
Yes, please implement this. This brings benefits for us and our customers.
Status changed to: Under review
partus GmbH
what is the current status in this regard?
Hello there, the current status for this is "planned". This means that we have decided to work on this feature in the future but we cannot give customers any ETA for planned features.
Math Reintjens
is it possible that the participant gets an e-mail with an unique link to the questions so that the questions can be answered in more than 1 session?!
Hello Math,
this request fits better in this suggestion, please upvote there to be informed about any updates:
Gijs Van Dromme
Would be great if this was implemented! Really in need of this
Sal Georgiou
If we could enable this it would help agencies like us to have the server of the client and really add value. Customers have asked me this and so far no one wanted to be enabled, because of the different server names what impression would that give to their customers.
Sean Atkinson
This would really helpful for those with an agency plan looking to work with clients. Thank you so much for putting this in motion on the roadmap.
Jeff Bowman
The shown as the sender in the auto-responder email header (see pic) is a turn off for many reasons.
If you actually reply to this email it does not send to the address but actually replies to the account holder email address.
So why not just hide the in the email header and no-one would even be aware of it, and we wouldn't need to connect an email domain if not required. Thanks
what's the timeline for this? :)
Hello Charles, this feature is in "planned" and not yet in progress. We cannot give you an ETA for it yet, but we can tell you that we will have this feature for sure.
Dan Stanica
This would be awesome.